phlebotomy technician program

The objective of the Phlebotomy Technician Program is to train students to draw blood so they may work in hospitals, clinics, emergency and extended care facilities, private medical offices or laboratories.

As a Phlebotomy Technician you will:

Draw blood samples
Collect non-blood specimen samples
Provide quality assurance
Use skin puncture techniques
Examine body systems and infection control
Demonstrate venipuncture procedures

Phlebotomy Training Classes

Phlebotomist course is an educational method that provides real-world experience, at Universal Healthcare Training Institute students will get hands-on and will develop a sense of empowerment. The objective of the Phlebotomy Technician Program is to train students to draw blood so they may work in hospitals, clinics, emergency and extended care facilities, private medical offices or laboratories.

Phlebotomist training is a great venue to start and try out the medical profession, the training period is a short 12 week program, jobs are in demand and easy to obtain, compensation is higher for a qualified and certified phlebotomists.

Universal Healthcare Training Institute will train students on:

  • Ethics
  • Legal aspects of blood collection
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Technics
  • CPR
  • Specimen handling
  • Specimen Processing
  • Laboratory
  • Communication and interaction with patients
  • Medical Terminology
  • Infection control and safety

After the Phlebotomy completion course, students will receive a Certificate and should be able to demonstrate the necessary skill to performed and understand the basic concepts of a professional phlebotomist, verbal communications, stress management, professional behavior and legal implications of the work environment.


Andrea Clement Santiago. 2017. How to become a phlebotomist. Compensation, job outlook and more.

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